Base3 14 You’re In Control Connecting Base3 to your Layout Base3 Wi-Fi Connection Cab2 Remote with the Base3 Cab-1L Remote with the Base3 Programming Bluetooth Engines into the Base3 Programming RF LionChief Engines into the Base3 Base3 Indication Lights LCS PDI Memory Modules
Cab3 20 Cab3 APP Installing the APP Cab3 Bluetooth Mode Connecting to an Engine Engine Settings Menu Sound Settings Menu VSR – Voice Streaming and Recording Cab3 Base3 Mode Wi-Fi Configuration using Cab3 Settings and Firmware Updater
LCS 16 Lionel Layout Control System: LCS What do I need? Products LCS SensorTrack LCS IRV2 LCS APP LCS ASC2 Accessory Switch Controller LCS AMC2 Accessory Motor Controller LCS STM2 Switch Throw Monitor LCS CSM2 Custom Switch Machine
Power Control 6 Lionel Power and Power Controllers! DC Wall Plugs CW80 80-Watt Transformer (1908080) PH180 & GW180 AC Transformers Lionel ZW-L Transformer (6-37921) Legacy PowerMasters