Cab2 Remote with the Base3​

Setting Base3 & Cab2 channel number

When you are operating in a club environment or a display environment with two or more Railroads in operation in close proximity there will be communication problems if both Railroads are using the same channel on their respective Command Bases. You must change one of the Command Bases to a new channel and then match the Cab2 remote you wish to use to that channel.

Learn the Channel of your Base3:

  • Press the “Remote Channel” button on the front of your Base3. Watch the Base3 yellow light bar blinking
  • Observe and note the number of repetitions
  • That number is the channel of your Base3

Change the Channel of your Base3:

  • Press the “Remote Channel” button on the front of your Base3 again.
    • Each time you press the button the Base3’s channel will change.
    • The channel can be between 1 and 9.
  • Watch the Base3 yellow light bar blinking
  • Observe and note the number of repetitions
  • That number is the new channel of your Command Base
  • Repeat to change the channel of your Command Base again.
  • Your Cab-2 remote must be set to the same channel as your Base3 to operate with it.

Match the Channel of your Cab2 and Base3

  • Press the CTC button
  • Scroll to channel select
  • Using the Touch-Screen numbers, enter the channel of your Base3
    • The same number you located by watching the Base3’s yellow light
  • The system operates on the same frequencies as many other common wireless devices. If you experience signal quality issues, or lack of range between the Cab2 and Base3, you may need to change channels to resolve the issue.

Base Communication

Two command base units cannot exist on the same channel. If two bases in close proximity are set to the same channel, range and reliability will be compromised.

Radio Link Warning Light

If you are operating the Cab2 out of range of the Base3, a red Radio Link Warning Light will flash on your remote. If the Radio Link Warning Light triggers at close range, it is a good indication that the channel frequency is experiencing signal quality issues. Try to find the best channel for your environment. A clean channel can extend range greatly and ensure reliability.

Interference from Cameras

Popular wireless cameras used in the railroad hobby use channel 1-4. Setting the Base3 channel at 5 or above will correct the problem.

For more

For more information on the Cab2 remote functionality, review it’s manual by clicking the link below.

Updated on October 4, 2023