LCS BPC2 Block Power Controller

The LCS BPC2 (Block Power Controller, 6-81640) lets you control track power blocks from your Layout Control System.

 The BPC2 switches up to 8 AC track power blocks. It is configured as 8 normally open relays, split into two banks of four. Each of these two banks has a common terminal feed. This allows for two power districts and 8 blocks. Each individual relay is rated for 20 amps.

 The BPC2 may be configured as either a TRack or ACCessory device with IDs from 1 to 91. You set the starting address of the first relay and the remaining relays are automatically assigned the next seven ID’s (up to ID 98 for the last relay).

 To operate, first address the device (TR or ACC plus ID#). Then, send an AUX1 command to latch that relay on and an AUX2 to switch it off.

 The BPC2 can be operated from CAB remotes or Wi-Fi APPs. The BPC2 is connected to the LCS system using an LCS PDI cable. This carries commands as well as power for the BPC2’s control electronics. An additional AC power source is required for relay operation. This external AC can come from your track power or an accessory transformer (sold separately).


Configuring the BPC2 using the Cab3 APP #

The BPC2 software configuration is a single operation that sets the following:

  • Track Addressing vs. Accessory Addressing.
  • The base address/TMCC ID used to control connected track power blocks.
    • You can choose any ID 1 through 91. 8 total IDs will be automatically assigned, with the lowest ID being the one you choose. I.E. if you set the BPC2 ID as 91, the other 7 channels will automatically be set as 92 through 98.
  • The optional “restore last relay settings on power-up” mode. When selected, any track blocks that were powered on when you last shut down your layout will be automatically turned on at power-up.
  • Sub-mode setting. The 8 TMCC ID choice is recommended. The 1 TMCC ID sub-mode is reserved for future use and will not work with the Cab3 APP.

The following procedure configures the BPC2 software using the Cab3 APP:

  1. Press and hold the BPC2’s PGM (program) button for 3 seconds until the red LED begins to flash.
  2. On the Cab3 APP, press either ACC or TR until you see the numeric keypad with the SET button at the bottom right of the keypad. Enter the desired base TMCC address.
  3. Press SET.
  4. Optional: Press the rear coupler button “R” to restore last relay settings on power-up. Skip this step to have all relays set to off on power-up.
  5. Select sub-mode. Press 0 for 8 TMCC IDs. Pressing 1 is used for 1 TMCC ID which is reserved for a future use.
  6. Press the PGM button on the BPC2 to exit programming mode. The red LED will stop flashing.
  7. Optional: Name your BPC2 channels. Press the engine configuration button at the bottom left of the Cab3 APP. In this screen, assign a name and number to the channel. Press “Back” when done. You’ll need to do this for all 8 BPC2 channel ID numbers.

Updated on February 4, 2025