Getting an engine up and running with the Cab3 APP is quick and easy!
Once the Cab3 is connected to the Base3, it’ll default to the homescreen, as shown below:

Near the bottom of the screen, you’ll notice 5 buttons that correspond to different product controls.
- ENG: Engine. This is for running locomotives.
- TR: Train. This is used when building a train consisting of more than one locomotive or command-equipped freight or passenger cars. It can also be used to address Track power.
- RTE: Route. This is for setting up and initializing routes on your railroad.
- SW: Switch. For controlling command-controlled track switches.
- ACC: Accessory. This is used for most command-controlled accessories.
For this section, we’re going to focus on ENG.
Programming an ENG #
Tap the ENG button to enter the engine selection menu as shown below.

This screen is used to either program an engine into the Base3 or to address an engine that has already had its ID set. The instructions below cover how to address a TMCC or Legacy locomotive. Click for Bluetooth LionChief or RF LionChief information.
Note! All TMCC and Legacy engines come from the factory with a default TMCC ID of #1. Use the below procedure to change that ID assignment.
To program an engine using a new ID number:
- Slide the locomotive’s RUN/PGM switch to PGM and then turn on track power.
- On the Cab3 APP in the ENG menu, enter the number you wish to assign the engine. In the image above, ID #6 was used.
- Tap “SET” – the engine should make a sound or flash a light to indicate that it accepted programming. The APP will automatically return to the main control screen.
- Slide the engine’s RUN/PGM switch back to RUN.
- You’ve now assigned that number and are ready to run your engine! It will default to a TMCC diesel until it is customized. To do so, tap the Engine Config button at the bottom left to enter the Engine Configuration menu. Enter all of the engine’s information including road name and number, and then press “back”. When it asks if you want to update the record, tap “yes”. See below under “Engine Roster” for more information.
To address an engine that has already had its ID set:
- With track power on, tap ENG on the Cab3 APP.
- Enter the TMCC ID number.
- Hit enter. This will select that engine and automatically return to the main control screen.
The Cab3 APP is compatible with 4-Digit addressing locomotives. When you enter numbers past 2-digits, the number on the top left above the engine image will continue to increase. If you want to delete the number you’ve enter on accident, use the X backspace key below the 7 key.
The ENG screen also features start-up and shut-down buttons. This turns on or off the engine’s sound systems if so equipped with this feature.
For Legacy locomotives, tap the start-up or shut-down buttons for a short sequence. Tapping and holding those buttons will initialize an extended sequence that typically plays dialog.
Choosing Engine Settings #
Your locomotives operate best when they have been customized in the Engine Configuration screen. To get to this screen, tap ENG, enter the engine’s ID number, and press enter. Then tap the Engine Config button at the bottom left.
You’ll be able to change the engine’s settings from this screen. These settings will be saved into the Base3’s database. This means the settings will apply regardless of what controller you use to operate your locomotives.
Note that some engines will automatically enter this information. These types include Legacy locomotives equipped with the LCS IR sensor if your layout has a LCS SensorTrack or LCS IRV2. 4-Digit Legacy locomotives will automatically import the data without the need for a SensorTrack.
Road Name & Number #
To save your engine’s information to the Base3 database, it is required to enter the road name and road number. Tap on each and enter the desired information. Note that the road number is limited to 4 digits.
Motive Type #
When you tap on Motive Type, you are given many choices. Choose the type that best fits with your engine or rollingstock. If you’re unsure, check the manual that came with the engine. Each type will give different control buttons for operation. For more information on these controls, click here.
Note that these options are not only useful in operation but also in conjunction with TRAIN LINK functionality. These types, when placed in a consist, will function correctly I.E. they won’t respond to the train sound commands or trigger their couplers but with TRAIN LINK they can quickly be selected and operated.
The options for Motive Type are as follows:
- Diesel
- Steam
- Diesel Switcher
- Steam Switcher
- Electric
- Subway
- Flyer/Pullmor Diesel
- Flyer/Pullmor Steam
- Accessory
- Passenger Car
- Breakdown Unit
- Freight Sounds
- Lionel Acela
- Crane Car
- Transformer
- AUX Tender

Control Type #
Control Type sets the correct configuration based on the electronics inside the locomotive. Refer to the locomotive’s user manual to choose the correct type.
The options for control type are as follows:
- Cab1
- Legacy
- R100

Note! For engines equipped with EOB (Train America Studios) or ERR (Electric RailRoad) electronics, use Cab1 type. They will not operate properly using the TMCC type.
Sound Type #
Sound Type selection is also based on what electronics are inside the engine. If you are unsure which type to choose, refer to the engine’s user manual.
The options for Sound Type are as follows:
- No Sounds – if the engine does not have any sounds at all
- Rail Sounds – this is for TMCC engines with Rail Sounds 1 through 4
- Rail Sounds 5- the last generation of TMCC engine sounds
- Legacy Rail Sounds

Momentum #
The Momentum setting changes how quickly an engine responds to throttle changes. Low momentum means an engine accelerates or decelerates as fast as possible when you change the throttle. High momentum means an engine can take a long time to accelerate or decelerate, more accurately depicting how real-life engines operate. All momentum settings in between are a blend of the above.
There are 8 levels of momentum. 1 is low. 2 through 7 are medium, and 8 is high. Tapping MED sets the momentum to 4. Tap and hold MED for a pop-up that allows to to choose any of the momentum settings, 1 through 8. Play around with the different momentum values to find one that best fits your operating style.
Momentum also plays an important part in RailSounds Labor effects. The higher the momentum settings, the more extreme control you have over the laboring effects.

Engine Roster #
As you add more of your locomotives to your Base3 and Cab3 APP, you’ll want to be able to easily select the engine you want to control, see the listing of all locomotives, and quickly be able to configure their setup.
This can all be done using the Cab3’s engine roster.
When connected to a Base3, there are two ways to enter the engine roster.
The first is from the main engine control screen. Tap on the box where the TMCC ID is, circled in yellow below.

The other method is to tap the Engine Config button at the bottom left from the main screen to enter the engine configuration menu, and then tap “Locomotive Roster.” Circled in yellow below.

The Roster will display all locomotives (and other command-control products) that have been assigned a TMCC ID or 4-Digit address.
The Roster is stored in the Base3 with the exception of the locomotive’s image. That is stored on your smart device via the Cab3 APP.

Once in the Locomotive Roster, you can sort the list by TMCC ID number or alphabetically by the locomotive’s name. Just tap either TMCC ID or A-Z at the top.
Functions of the Roster are as follows:
- Tap on a locomotive to take control of it. The APP will return to the main screen ready to run that locomotive
- Tap and hold on a locomotive to go to that locomotive’s engine configuration menu
- If changes have been made to the Base3’s database by another device, tap the “refresh” button at the bottom right to update the Locomotive Roster
The Roster will show a programmed engine’s image, type (such as diesel or steam), name, road number, and TMCC ID number.
If an image of a programmed engine is not available from Lionel’s online Bluetooth engine database, or if you haven’t taken a photo of the engine to use, then a default image will be displayed.
Recent Engines #
If your Base3 has many stored engines in its database, or you want to quickly switch between engines without having to use the Roster, the Cab3 APP gives you two different options.
Option 1: Recent Engine History #
Hold the ENG button for 3 seconds. This will open the Recent Engine History list. These are the last 5 individual IDs you’ve operated in this session. You can quickly choose between the engines you are operating using this list by tapping on the desired engine.
This list is erased each time you disconnect from the Base3 or close and reopen the Cab3 APP. Think of it like a run session where the list is built while you wake your engines up.
Since this is a recent history list, it only stores 5 of the last run engines. If you address a 6th engine, the oldest in the list will be dropped. You can still access that engine, but you must use the traditional ENG menu to do so.

Option 2: ENG Double-Tap #
The other way you can quickly switch between recent engines is to quickly double-tap the ENG button. This only works if you’ve addressed more than one engine during the current operating session. This allows you to quickly switch back and forth between the two most recently controlled engines.
This is limited to two engines. If you want to switch between more than the most recent two, use the method in the previous section or use the traditional ENG selection menu.