The Cab3 APP allows for complete Base3 configuration. For those who choose to not utilize the Cab3 APP, Lionel offers a Windows-based program that provides the same configuration utilities. The Base3 System Utility connects to the Base3 via Wi-Fi, allowing you to communicate to the Base3 with the click of a mouse.
The B3SU provides many functions:
- Base3 settings and status:
- Change the Base3’s name, route throw rate, and TMCC radio channel.
- View the Base3’s firmware revision.
- View the status of the Base3’s various radios and PDI ports
- Save/restore a local copy of the Base3’s database
- Base3 firmware updater:
- Update the Base3’s core firmware
- Update the Wi-Fi module firmware
- Update the Bluetooth module firmware.
- Memory module support:
- Create a Cab2 firmware module
- Backup and restore the Base3’s engine database
- Import your Legacy Base2’s engine database.
- Create engine-specific memory modules or multi-engine modules
- Engine roster:
- View/change road name, road number, locomotive type, control type, sound type, and basic light settings
- Support for both 2-digit and 4-digit engine rosters
- Bluetooth LionChief engine settings:
- View programmed engines, pair a new engine, or remove an existing engine
- RF LionChief engine settings:
- View programmed engines, pair a new engine, or remove an existing engine
- TR data:
- View and edit trains/lash-ups saved to the Base3’s database
- ACC data:
- View and edit accessories saved to the Base3’s database
- SW data:
- View and edit track switches saved to the Base3’s database
- RTE data:
- View and edit routes saved to the Base3’s database
- Wi-Fi settings:
- Configure the Base3 Wi-Fi connection
- View Wi-Fi firmware revision
- Set a SSID and password for a secure Wi-Fi connection
- Command Panel:
- A simplified command panel for controlling engines from your PC. While this tool cannot do everything that a Cab2 or Cab3 APP can do, the basic functions allow you to test changes made while using the B3SU

Download #
Installing #
- Click the link above in the Download section to download the Base3 System Utility.
- Navigate to your Downloads folder. Right-click and select Extract Here.
- Double-click the B3SU Setup program (setup.exe) and follow the on-screen instructions.
- The files are installed here: Program files (x86) / Lionel / B3SU. You cannot install the files to another location.
- Once installed, navigate to the folder in Step 4. It is recommended to right-click on Base3SystemUtility.exe and click Send to Desktop or copy and paste it to your desktop for easier access. Double-click it to run the B3SU.
System Requirements: #
- Base3
- A PC that is running Windows XP (SP3) through Windows 10
- PC must have Wi-Fi capabilities. If not, Wi-Fi USB dongles are readily available from online retailers.
Note! The B3SU is only configured to connect to the Base3 via Wi-Fi. Using a serial port like a USB or the LCS SER2 will not work with the B3SU.
Connecting B3SU to Base3 #
To connect the B3SU to your Base3, your PC must first be connected to the Base3 via Wi-Fi. If this is the first time connecting to the Base3, use AP mode. The PC must have a Wi-Fi adapter. Connect using the instructions found here.
Click Configure at the top of B3SU and click Connections. For a Base3 in AP mode, the IP address should be
If you choose to add your Base3 to a local network such as your home’s Wi-Fi router, you can use the IP address search function to cycle through IP addresses until the Base3’s new IP address is found. Click Search and the B3SU will search IPs until a valid address is found.
B3SU Tabs #
Base3 Settings #
This tab is used for various Base3 settings, check the Base3’s systems, update the Base3’s firmware, and to save/restore your Base3’s database to/from a PC file.
Base3 Operational Settings #
You can modify the following settings:
- Base Name: Give your Base3 any name you want.
- Route Rate: This changes the time delay between when a switch is thrown or a sub-route is activated. The rate can be adjusted to anywhere from 0 seconds to 2 seconds. This setting will apply to all routes stored in the Base3 database. Note! If you are using a Lionel SC-2, do not use a route throw rate below 1 second!
- RF Cmd Rate: This is a 4-Digit command rate speed setting. Leave as low for now. A future update will use high.
- RF Channel: This is the channel number for hardware remotes like the Cab-1L and Cab2.
Note! When you change any of the above, make sure to click Set to save the changes to the Base3.
Base3 Firmware Upgrade #
This is used to update the Base3 firmware when updates are available. For more information, click here.
Base3 Database PC File #
This is used to save your current Base3 database to a PC file or to restore from a previously saved PC file.
Click Backup Database to save a file to your computer. When you click, the B3SU will read in all the various database sections. This may take a minute. Once it’s read in, a file explorer will pop up. Enter a name for the file, select the location to save to, and click Save.
Click Restore Database to load in a previously saved file. A pop-up will ask if you want to overwrite Wi-Fi settings. This includes a saved SSID and Password. Click Yes to overwrite what is currently saved in the Base3 and replace it with what is saved in the backup file. Click No to keep what is currently saved in the Base3. Once the file explorer opens, locate the database file and click Open. The write will only take a few seconds.
Click Erase Database to clear all information currently saved in the Base3’s database. This is the same as a factory reset.
Note! Erasing the database clears all information stored in the Base3, including Wi-Fi settings! When reconnecting to the Base3, you’ll have to do so in AP (Access Point) mode using the default IP address of
Mem Modules #
This tab is used to interface with the memory modules that plug into the back of the Base3. The Base3 included a black writable memory module. For information on using these modules, click here.
The memory modules can be used to create multi-engine modules to help transfer your locomotives from your Base2 to the Base3. This is not a Base2 database backup; rather just the information for the engines themselves. To do a database backup of the Base2 and import to the Base3, see next section.
Importing Base2 Database #
On the Mem Modules tab, you can also import your Base2’s database into your Base3. This is not accomplished using a Mem Module; rather, the LSU (Legacy System Utility) is used to create a Base2 database backup file to your PC and then you use the B3SU to import that file into the Base3.
To create a Base2 database file, refer to the LSU user manual, which is included with the LSU executable file that can be downloaded from the Lionel Support site.
If your Base2 is connected to your PC, open the LSU and connect it to your Base2. Then, do the following:
- Click the Backup Database button.
- Wait as your database (all LEGACY Base2 settings) is copied to your computer.
- A “save” dialog box will appear. Choose a name and location for your database backup file and click OK.
Once you have saved the Base2 database file, you can connect your Base3 to your PC via Wi-Fi and launch the B3SU. Do the following to import your Base2 database into the Base3:
- Make sure the B3SU is connected to the Base3.
- Navigate to the Mem Modules tab. Click Import Database under “Import Base2 Database” near the bottom.
- Navigate to your Base2 database file and click on it, then click Open.
- It will take a minute for the B3SU to write all the data to the Base3. Once complete, at the bottom center of the B3SU will be displayed Status: Database imported.
Note! The Base2 database does not include Wi-Fi settings since the Base2 does not have Wi-Fi.
Engine Data #
When you first click on this tab, the B3SU will read in the Base3’s engine database. If at any point you want to reload the database, click File and then Reload Engine Data.
To view the entire engine roster, click Show Roster. Within this pop-up, double-click on any entry to pull it up in the main B3SU screen.
Use this tab to edit any engine entry or to create new engine entries. When you enter any information in, you must click Save Changes to Base for the Base3’s database to be updated. Otherwise the information will not be updated.
You can clear any entry you’re on by clicking Clear Engine.
Touch-Screen icons is for the Cab2 only. The icons will show on the Cab2 touch pad on the bottom left and bottom right.
Note! You cannot create a new entry for a 4-Digit locomotive in this tab. You can only edit an existing 4-Digit entry. To create a new 4-Digit entry, you must use a real engine and SET it with a Cab controller or the Command Panel tab.
Bluetooth #
This tab is for programming Bluetooth-equipped LionChief and LionChief Plus engines into the Base3. Bluetooth engines can be programmed to TMCC ID numbers 10 through 29.
Using the B3SU, you can pair a Bluetooth engine WITHOUT having to use the RUN/PGM switch on the front of the Base3. Do this simply by clicking Pair next to the TMCC ID you wish to assign. This is useful if you have a layout where reaching the Base3 isn’t easy.
You can also clear a Bluetooth engine from the Base3 database simply by clicking Clear next to the associated TMCC ID number.
On the right side of the tab, click Get anytime you want to refresh the Bluetooth engine database from the Base3. You’ll also see “Rev” which shows the Base3’s Bluetooth module firmware version. This is for reference only.
For more information on programming Bluetooth engines with the Base3, click here.
RF Engines #
This tab is for programming RF-equipped LionChief and LionChief Plus engines into the Base3. RF engines can be programmed to TMCC ID numbers 2 through 9.
Using the B3SU, you can pair a RF engine WITHOUT having to use the RUN/PGM switch on the front of the Base3. Do this simply by clicking Pair next to the TMCC ID you wish to assign. This is useful if you have a layout where reaching the Base3 isn’t easy.
You can also clear a RF engine from the Base3 database simply by clicking Clear next to the associated TMCC ID number.
On the right side of the tab, click Get anytime you want to refresh the RF engine database from the Base3.
For more information on programming RF engines with the Base3, click here.
Train Data #
You can view Train Information using the Train Data tab. When you first open this tab, data for every Train saved in your Base3 database is loaded into the B3SU. This info includes the locomotive IDs which are included in the Train as well as their positions.
Type an ID into the Train # field to view that Train, use the left-right arrows to step through the list, or click on Show Roster to pull up a complete list. When “Show Active Trains Only” is checked, the left-right arrows will skip unused Train IDs. Each Engine in the Train is represented by a small yellow tile at the lower right on the screen. The number shown on each tile is the TMCC ID of that Engine. Clicking a tile will display that engine’s road name, number, locomotive type and control type.
You may edit the Train’s name and number. When you do, make sure to click Save Changes To Base. You can also change the Touch-Screen Icons, which is for Cab2 operation only.
At any time, you can reload Train data from the Base3 by clicking File and Reload Train Data.
Note! You cannot add or remove Engines from a Train using the B3SU. You must use a Cab remote for this function.
ACC Data #
You can view and change Accessory information using the ACC Data tab. The first time you open this tab, data for every Accessory saved to your Base3 is pulled into the B3SU.
Type an ID into the Accessory # field to view that Accessory, use the left-right arrows to step through the list, or click Show Roster to pull up a complete list.
You may edit the Accessory name or reference/road number (this is not the same as the TMCC ID). Then, if you choose, click Save Changes to Base. To abandon the changes made to a record, simply navigate to a different Accessory number and click Yes when asked if you want to lose the changes you’ve made.
At any time, you may choose Reload Accessory Data from the File menu to update the B3SU with the current data in your Base3.
Switch Data #
You can view and change Switch information using the Switch Data tab. The first time you open this tab, data for every Switch saved to your Base3 is pulled into the B3SU.
Type an ID into the Switch # field to view that Switch, use the left-right arrows to step through the list, or click Show Roster to pull up a complete list.
You may edit the Switch name. Then, if you choose, click Save Changes to Base. To abandon the changes made to a record, simply navigate to a different Switch number and click Yes when asked if you want to lose the changes you’ve made.
At any time, you may choose Reload Switch Data from the File menu to update the B3SU with the current data in your Base3.
Route Data #
You can view and edit Route information using the The Route Data tab. The first time you open this tab, data for every Route saved to your Base3 is pulled into the B3SU.
Type an ID into the Route # field to view that Route, use the left-right arrows to step through the list, or click Show Roster to pull up a complete list. When “Show Active Routes Only” is checked, the left and right arrows will skip unused Route IDs.
Each Switch within a Route is shown as a yellow tile. Its TMCC ID and throw position within this Route is displayed.
You may add and change the switches within the Route as well as the route name. At any time, you can reload Route data from the Base3 by clicking File and Reload Route Data.
Editing Routes #
To add switches to a Route:
- Open the Route Tab and navigate to the Route number you wish to edit.
- Click the yellow tile labeled Add.
- The Edit Route dialog box appears.
- Enter the TMCC ID of the Switch you wish to add.
- Click one of the radio buttons (see Note below) to set the throw position of this switch and then save.
- When finished defining all the Switches within the Route, click Save Changes to Base. To abandon the changes made to a route, simply navigate to a different Route number or Tab and click Yes when asked if you want to lose the changes you’ve made.
Note! Out Left and Out Right apply only to the graphic display of the switch and should be set to match the actual type of track switch installed on your layout. Select Not Used if you want to remove a Switch from a Route. Finally, for Routes requiring more than 16 switches, choose Another Route to nest one route within another.
Click here for more information on Routes.
Wi-Fi Settings #
Use this tab to modify the Wi-Fi settings of your Base3. Click here for more information.
Command Panel #
The B3SU features a Command Panel that acts as a simplified Cab controller. The controls are not exhaustive compared to a Cab, with only basic functions available. This is meant as a test program and not intended as an everyday method of controlling your trains.
Go to the Command Panel tab and click Show Command Panel. A pop-up will appear with the controls separate from the B3SU main screen. This is so you can navigate to other tabs and have the Command Panel still accessible.
The Command Panel defaults to TMCC2 Mode and 4-Digit Addressing. Click on these 2 buttons depending on the locomotive or device you wish to control. For example, for an older TMCC engine, you would change the settings to TMCC1 Mode and 2-Digit Address. For an older Legacy engine, use TMCC2 Mode and 2-Digit Address. For a new 4-Digit engine; TMCC2 Mode and 4-Digit Address.
Type the TMCC ID of the engine you want to control into the box at the top. You can also use this to program an engine using the SET button (engine’s PGM/RUN switch to PGM). Note that you can operate other TMCC devices such as Trains, Accessories, Switches, etc.
Basic controls include whistle, bell, volume, dialog triggers, momentum, direction, and throttle. Use the 6 preset speed buttons at the bottom for fast throttle changes.